Monday, February 4, 2008

Some Spooky Sunsets I Took One Night

I took these pictures with a 30 sec. exposure and a High ISO setting of 1500. To enhance the look of the picture and create an orangish look I used a warming filter.


Kristene said...

Nice night photography. I heard you got a new digital SLR... It should have been a Canon ;) But congrats! Looks like your having fun with it.

It's great that your playing with the ISO... only pros do that ;)

you should get myspace and be my friend. I just did a session with your brother. I have some up on there. I will have some on my blog soon too.

If you want to talk photo's let me know. :)

Kristene said...

I put some of Vince's photos up on my blog...

Take a look!