Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve at my home is a HUGE event. My family is very big. With three older brothers and a younger sister there is NEVER a dull moment at my house. (older brothers Vince on keyboard, Tony on bass, and my dad on the drums) This last Christmas Eve we had 42 of my immediate family members in my house. All of my aunts, uncles, cousins, their husbands and wives, their children and grandma all attended.

Here is one of my uncles with his new Grand Daughter Lola.

This is one of my second cousins Peyton. She was having a ball dancing to the live music consisting of Christmas carols.


Alyssa said...

I love this!!! You are an amazing photographer- that picture of Paytin is cool with the black and white and red! I will email you the how to's when I get a chance later today! Looks like you don't need much help!

Alyssa said...

To make your page wider you need to use a template that says stretch on it. You can preview your templates before you choose them- and all your work will be saved if you use a template from blogger. Your slide show is fantastic- you may have done it- but if you put that as a header that will always stay a part of the page- even as you add more pictures. Gotta run. Thanks again for your pictures!

smoegusboard said...
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